5 Easy Methods on How To See Deleted Reddit Posts 2024

Reading time: 7 min read
Harsha Kiran
Written by
Harsha Kiran

Updated · Jan 02, 2024

Harsha Kiran
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Harsha Kiran

Harsha Kiran is the founder and innovator of Techjury.net. He started it as a personal passion proje... | See full bio

Lorie Tonogbanua
Edited by
Lorie Tonogbanua


Lorie Tonogbanua
Joined June 2023 | LinkedIn
Lorie Tonogbanua

Lorie is an English Language and Literature graduate passionate about writing, research, and learnin... | See full bio

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Reddit is a popular discussion platform, with over 50 million daily active users in 2022. People share thoughts, ideas, and information about almost anything. 

However, one thing irritates Reddit users: administrators, moderators, and users may remove content that has received a lot of upvotes. What's worse is that when the post is deleted, you can't even find it in the archive area. 

In this article, you will learn 5 simple ways to see deleted Reddit posts and the limitations of recovering deleted Reddit posts. 

Key Takeaways

🔑 Reddit users can delete posts and comments, which make them invisible to other users, and remove them from subreddits and your profile.

🔑 Administrators, moderators, or users can remove a post or comment on Reddit. 

🔑 Third-party tools and software can still view a deleted Reddit post.

🔑An update to Reddit’s API rendered Unddit unusable.

🔑When recovering deleted Reddit posts, you may not get the full context, which can affect their meaning.

🔑 Reddit can hide your personal information and remain anonymous while using the site.

How to Recover Deleted Reddit

There are various reasons why an admin, moderator, or user will delete a particular post even though it gets upvotes. Luckily, third-party tools and software let you search for deleted posts and comments. Some even cached whole Reddit pages. 

In the following sections, learn about the available methods that you can use to view deleted Reddit posts and the step-by-step process to do it. 

🎉Fun Fact: 

Reddit users spend more time on weekends, specifically at 8:00 am on Saturdays.

Method 1:  View Deleted Reddit Comments With  ReSavr

You can use ReSavr to view deleted Reddit comments, not deleted posts. It is easy to use and allows you to search for a particular thread or Redditor’s name in the search bar. 

ReSavr allows you to see details like the posting time of the comment and when the deletion happened. It allows you to read the entire comment and offers a section of recent statements for newly deleted comments. 

Here are the steps to use Resavr to see deleted Reddit comments: 

1. Go to the Resavr website.

2. Enter the Reddit username or post title in the top right corner of the page.

Resavr Homepage With Search Comment Tab On Upper Right Corner

3. You can click the search result to find more information, like posting and deletion times.

Resavr Search Result for A Deleted Comment

Continue reading to find out how to use the Wayback Machine to find deleted Reddit posts. 

Method 2: The Wayback Machine

Another way to see deleted Reddit posts is to use The Wayback Machine. It is a nonprofit company that allows you to access archived web page versions to view deleted Reddit posts and comments. 

The Wayback Machine keeps copies of websites from a particular period. If you are searching for a more popular domain, you have a higher chance of finding it. 

To see deleted posts on Reddit using The Wayback Machine, follow the steps below: 

1. Visit The Wayback Machine website.

2. You can view a Reddit post by entering its URL. Remove any unnecessary HTTP parameters. Another option is to join a subreddit or profile link

3. On the results page, you can see when and how often a web page was saved. Choose the appropriate year, month, and date, followed by the timestamp of the archive's capture. 

4. You can view a screenshot of a deleted recorded post on The Wayback Machine.

Snapshot of Wayback Machine Webpage 

Learn how to view deleted comments and posts on Reddit by using Google's cache in the following section. 

Method 3: Find Deleted Reddit Posts Using the Google Cache

Google can access recently deleted Reddit posts or when the page isn't loading correctly. You can browse recently removed Reddit posts and comments on the page's cached version.

To retrieve cached versions of recently deleted comments using Google Cache, follow the steps below: 

1. Launch the Google Chrome web browser on your computer. 

2. Type the URL of the deleted Reddit post or the name of the Redditor into the Google search bar.

Google Search Result For Reddit 

3. Find the right one in the search results and click on the three vertical dots next to it.

4. A Cached option appears at the bottom of the drop-down list on the side menu. If Google cached the page, click to view it.

More Options Setting For Reddit Result With Cached Option

Another popular tool is Reveddit. Find out more about this tool in the following section. 

Method 4: Reveddit to View Deleted Reddit Posts

One of the easiest ways to see deleted Reddit posts and comments is to use Reveddit. It is free, has no annoying ads, and can be added as a browser extension.  

Reviddit lets you see content deleted by bots and moderators but cannot show user-generated content. 

To view deleted posts on Reddit using Reveddit, follow the steps below: 

1. Go to Reveddit

2. Take note of the appropriate username, Reddit, or post URL. Paste it into the appropriate field, then click "Go."

Reveddit Search Bar

3. Scroll to the archive page to view comments. Reveddit will tell you if bots or mods deleted the content.

Reveddit’s Search Result For Deleted Post

4. Click the blue Restore button after Reveddit’s archiving to find deleted comments. 

You can also use an extension that caches Reddit pages to view them later. Read on to learn more about this method. 

Method 5: Un-Delete Reddit Comments Chrome Extension 

You can view deleted comments after you access Reddit posts with Un-Delete Reddit Comments. You can use this Chrome extension to save Reddit pages for later.

You can use this tool to view deleted items you did not cache. Un-Delete lets you save all types of comments, even if they get deleted. It's a powerful tool if you manually cache every important discussion you want to check later.

To use this extension, follow the steps below: 

1. Download the Un-Delete Reddit Comments extension.

2. Open the Reddit post that you want to cache.

3. Click the extension button; it will show the URL with a Cache button under it.

4. Select the extension button to recover the saved page. 

Read the following section to learn about Unddit, once regarded as the most effective way to recover deleted Reddit posts and comments.  

Updates for Unddit

Unddit is the quickest solution for finding deleted posts and comments on Reddit. However, due to changes in the Reddit API and the banning of Pushshift, Unddit has become unusable. It cannot connect to Reddit to find deleted content. 

Unddit Failed Search Result For Deleted Reddit Content

Read the following section to discover the limitations of recovering deleted Reddit posts and comments. 

Limitations of Recovering Deleted Content

While there are different ways to recover or view deleted posts and comments, there are certain limitations to be aware of. These include: 

1. Incomplete Recovery: You can use it only to recover partially.  Reddit's database may have permanently deleted some posts or comments, making a recovery unlikely. 

2. Privacy Concerns: Your security and privacy are at risk if you provide URLs to these services while using third-party software.

3. Data Integrity - Recovered content might not fully capture the post's original context, replies, and interaction. This could change the meaning and value of the post as a whole. 

4. Legal and Ethical Issues: Recovering deleted posts, especially those deleted for good reasons like breaking Reddit rules, may raise legal and ethical issues. 

5. Community Rules: Recovering deleted content might be against the rules and culture of a subreddit in some situations. 

✅Pro Tip:

People discuss anything on Reddit and remain anonymous, which sometimes makes it challenging to find them later. You can always use the Reddit search bar to find someone without knowing their user name.


Reddit is a great place to talk about anything. It publishes thousands of threads per hour, but deletion appears rampant, leading to user frustration. 

Fortunately, there are available methods that you can use to view deleted posts and comments. However, viewing or recovering posts and comments has limitations.


How long does it take for a Reddit post to be deleted?

If you delete a post, it disappears immediately from the sub. However, people on the subreddit page before you deleted the post may still click and access it.

Can you view a deleted Reddit account?

You cannot view the post history of a Reddit account that has been deleted or suspended. You can view it unless you have access to the deleted account or are a Reddit admin. 

How long until Reddit posts are archived?

All Reddit posts and comments that are over six months old are archived. There are no reporting, replying, or voting options for archived posts. 

Does Reddit auto-delete old posts?

Old posts on Reddit are archived. But sometimes, when your karma is low, Reddit may auto-delete your post. 


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