Today, we’ll talk about blogging statistics. After long and meticulous research, TechJury handpicked the most fascinating facts and details from the blogging sphere.
But before diving into the topic, let’s cast a glance at how blogs came about. The first blog, or as its author called it, a personal homepage, was launched in 1994.
Striking Blogging Statistics
Here’s a list of the most outstanding blogging facts that you should know about:
- On the web, there are more than 600 million blogs out of 1.9 billion websites worldwide.
- Around 810 million websites use WordPress as of 2023, which is 43% of all websites.
- 60% of bloggers publish 1–5 guest posts each month.
- Almost 50% of all blogs have 2-3 images.
- Blogginghelped 55% of marketers obtain new clients.
- Blogs are the most-used format for 65% of content marketers.
- 59% of B2B companies use blogs as the main tool.
- 77% of internet users read blogs.
- Adding a blog to your existing website can increase traffic by as much as 434%.
- 56% of marketers who use blogging believe it to be a successful strategy. 10% claim that the ROI is the highest.
- The average blog post is 2,330 words.
- The most profitable blog is the Huffington Post, with an annual income of $500 million.
- 53.3% of bloggers are between 21 and 35.
- Seven-minute reads attract the most attention from the internet audience.
These are some stunning numbers, right?
We are just getting you warmed up, though.
We’ve gathered some fascinating blogging stats that will answer the very simple question – Is blogging dead in 2022?
To let you know – the answer is NO.
That said, let’s kick it off with the latest data from 2022.
General Blogging Statistics
The pioneer of blogging, Justin Hall started the blogging trend in 1994. At first, that trend was catching on rather slowly. The concept was new, and there were no blogging platforms whatsoever. This changed in 2000 with the launch of the first blogging sites such as Blogger and LiveJournal.
1. There are over 600 million blogs on the internet in 2023 which is up from 23 blogs in 2000.
(Source: Alejandro Rioja, Web Tribunal)
There were only 23 blogs in 2000. In just six years, the number of blogs has jumped to 50 million blogs. By 2013, that number had tripled to about 152 million. Currently, there are over 600 million blogs.
Number of Blogs (2000-2023)
Year | Numbers of blogs |
2023 | over 600 million blogs |
2010 | 152 million blogs |
2006 | 50 million blogs |
2000 | 23 blogs |
2. There are over 32.7 million active bloggers in the US.
(Source: Statista)
There were 32.2 million active bloggers in 2021 compared to 31.7 million in 2020. The number of bloggers in the US was 31.2 million in 2019, up 14% from 27.4 million in 2014.
Number of Active Bloggers (2014 – 2022)
Years | Active Bloggers in millions |
2014 | 27.4 |
2015 | 28.3 |
2016 | 29.1 |
2017 | 30.0 |
2018 | 30.6 |
2019 | 31.2 |
2020 | 31.7 |
2021 | 32.2 |
2022 | 32.7 |
3. Around 810 million websites use WordPress as of 2023.
(Source: w3techs)
43% of all the websites on the internet. WordPress dominates the CMS market with a 64.2% market share, more than 10 times that of its nearest rival. It is used every day to generate more than 500 new websites. In the first quarter of 2021, people used WordPress to create almost 5 million blogs each day.
4. Blog articles with images attract more traffic than those with text alone.
(Source: Neil Patel)
The human brain is designed to capture visuals faster, easier, and more efficiently than text. Blog statistics for 2022 show that we have a higher retention rate for visuals (65%) than we do for text alone (10%-20%). Hence, placing relevant images alongside your content can help your readers better understand your blog posts. Plus, images help you gather more traffic from search engines, alongside increased social media shares.
5. Adding a blog to your existing website can increase traffic by as much as 434%.
(Source: Tech Client)
According to business blogging statistics, sites with blogs have 434% more indexed pages. Indexed pages are simply the set of a website’s pages that a search engine has visited, analyzed, and added to its list of web pages. They are essential for your website ranking – a website with a lesser percentage of indexed pages will typically rank lower. Therefore, you lose traffic.
6. 77% of internet users read blogs.
(Source: Daily Infographic)
People still read blogs today, and they will probably do so for many years to come. According to statistics, 77 % of Internet users say they routinely read blog articles. However, with the fact that more people are reading blogs, the way we read them is essentially evolving.
7. Food blogging is the most profitable niche in 2022.
(Source: Rank IQ)
As of Q1 2022, food bloggers make the most money from their content. Compared to other creators, they have the highest median monthly income of $9,169.
8. 97% of bloggers are reportedly using social media to boost their blog engagement.
(Source: Orbit Media)
Why are bloggers flocking to social media to promote their blogs?
For one, these social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) already have a large following capable of bringing in millions of traffic to a blog, if done right. Plus, they provide an opportunity for bloggers to receive first-hand feedback from readers through comments.
9. YouTube records about 5 billion views daily.
(Source: Make a Website Hub)
Blogging trends for 2022 certainly show further growth of vlogging. Vlogs, as well as podcasts and other forms of media, are gaining popularity, which is one of the reasons why many people think blogging is losing importance.
However, blogs are still very relevant and, among other things, a fantastic marketing tool for reaching a wide internet audience.
10. An online survey shows that 68.5% of people think blogs add credibility to a site.
(Source: Social Marketing Writing)
In 2013, Social Marketing Writing covered the crucial aspects of building a credible blog by conducting an online survey. The survey showed that the majority of the participants (68.5%) think that blogs add credibility to a site, while 31.5% of participants disagreed. The same study revealed several more blogging stats we’d like to share with you.
The highest percentage of the study participants (30%) believed that the main factor that adds credibility to a blog is quality content. The second most important credibility factor was regular publication of content with 15% of participants choosing this answer. The number of visits and comments were ranked significantly lower with only 2% of participants relying on this factor for credibility.
Lastly, the study gave us an insight into podcast blog statistics. According to it, only 3.7% of participants recognized podcasts as a credibility factor back then. This percentage is much higher today if the vastly increased number of podcast listeners is any indicator.
Blogging Content Statistics
11. 60% of marketers re-use blog content.
(Source: Right Source)
6 out of 10 marketers don’t write fresh content but recycle old articles up to three times. If the information is still relevant, it makes sense to keep it the same. But if a piece is already ranking at the top of search results, it’s better to make a few changes rather than a complete overhaul.
12. Raising brand awareness: 7 out of 10 customers prefer promotion through articles rather than ads.
(Source: Findstack)
Blog readership statistics for 2022 show that 70% of consumers like brands’ articles more than the ads.
It’s no surprise, then, that many businesses now use blogs to raise brand awareness. This information originates from a piece about consumers’ attitudes towards custom content. Blog traffic stats also show that branded blog content is 22 times more effective than regular display ads. Consumers spend an average of 36 seconds reading blog posts. This is way higher than the 1.6 seconds they spend on banner ads.
Considering this research, many businesses today are using blogs to approach customers.
Now we see a constant rise of business blogs. The biggest advantage of business blogs is that they can reach a vast audience, and a blog itself is a cost-efficient marketing tool, which explains the continuous growth of company blogs.
13. Over 80% of marketers plan to turbocharge their use of original content.
(Source: Neil Patel)
According to business blogging statistics for 2022, 8 out of 10 marketers plan to use more original content. Writing pieces from scratch gets you in Google’s good books; otherwise, you risk penalization. Users also want original content, and it’s only right not to steal someone else’s work.
14. Blogging is a vital content marketing strategy for 53% of marketers.
(Source: Optinmonster)
According to business blogging statistics for 2022, over half of the marketers use blogging as a content marketing tool. Blogs help engage readers, generate leads, attract more clients, and eventually convert them into buying customers.
15. Blog traffic can increase to about 2,000% through quality content.
(Source: Omnicore Agency)
How can you create quality content to get this kind of result?
For starters, your content needs to be original – 100% plagiarism-free. Also, you need strong and captivating headlines. In addition, your content needs to provide easy-to-understand, reasonable and actionable answers.
Blogging Length and Frequency Statistics
Does the length and frequency of your blog posts affect how successful your blogging efforts are?
16. Blog posts of at least 2,000 words generate strong results for 55% of bloggers.
(Source: Orbit Media)
According to the history of blogging facts, there were times when shorter blog posts were the real deal. Now, customers are looking for longer content, one that thoroughly explains the nitty-gritty of a topic. That is not to say that shorter blog content doesn’t perform well, but the longer, the better. That way, search engines get to favor your content in terms of ranking.
Blogging Results According to Effectiveness
Effectiveness | Value |
Blog delivering strong results | 54% |
Some results | 26% |
Unsatisfied results | 11% |
No idea if the blog delivers a result | 9% |
17. Longer blog posts have up to 77.2% more inbound links than shorter ones, blogging statistics for 2020 showed.
(Source: Backlinko)
Imagine being presented with a blog post of 2000 words on a topic, and another of 500 words on the same topic.
Which would you trust as your go-to resource when crafting your content?
Your best bet would be the longer post. Also, you’re more inclined to link to longer content. This indirectly provides an inbound link that will aid the ranking.
18. The most successful blog titles are those that range between 6 and 13 words.
(Source: Express Writers)
According to blogging statistics for 2022, your blog title is your headline. By rule, your headline needs to be short and concise to catch the attention of your audience. The best titles are those that contain just 8 words. However, if you can maintain the 6-13 word range, your blog posts will do just fine. Nonetheless, to attach more value to your blog headline, you need to ensure that it contains the most critical elements of a successful title, which include:
- Relatability
- Conciseness
- Urgency
- Specificity, and
- Numbers.
19. The average blog post length is 1376 words.
(Source: Orbitmedia)
The average length of a blog post keeps increasing. A few years ago, the figure was 808 words. In 2021, that number increased to 1,416 words. According to recent statistics about blogs, the increase may be because Google prefers long-form blogs in terms of ranking. After all, they give readers more in-depth information.
Average Number of Words Per Post
Year | Number of Words |
2014 | 808 |
2015 | 887 |
2016 | 1054 |
2017 | 1142 |
2018 | 1151 |
2019 | 1236 |
2020 | 1269 |
2021 | 1416 |
2022 | 1376 |
20. There are 6 million new blog posts created every day.
(Source: Earthweb)
Only 1% of bloggers post several times throughout the day, while 3% post once a day. In addition, 61% post once a week.
Currently, there are over 600 million blogs globally, which account for more than 6 million posts per day, or 2.5+ billion annually.
21. Bloggers take over 4 hours to write a single post, up from 74% more than in 2014.
(Source: Orbit Media)
The time spent on writing blog posts keeps increasing every year.
In 2014, bloggers spent an average of 2 hours and 24 minutes on a post. That number increased to 3 hours 55 minutes in 2020. Blogging trends for 2022 show that the average time spent creating a single blog post is 4 hours and 1 minute.
Seeing that Google focuses on optimizing only high-quality content, it’s only natural that bloggers spend more time creating their posts.
How Long Does it Take to Write a Typical Blog Post?
Year | Time spent |
2014 | 2 hours 24 minutes |
2015 | 2 hours 35 minutes |
2016 | 3 hours 16 minutes |
2017 | 3 hours 20 minutes |
2018 | 3 hours 28 minutes |
2019 | 3 hours 57 minutes |
2020 | 3 hours 55 minutes |
2021 | 4 hours 1 minute |
2022 | 4 hours 10 minutes |
22. Blog readers spend approximately 37 seconds reading a blog post.
(Source: Quoracreative)
You read that right!
37 seconds is the average time readers spend reading a blog post. Additionally, 43% of readers skim through content rather than reading it thoroughly.
We can see the lack of balance between the time bloggers invest in writing a post and the average time blog visitors spend reading the post all too well. For this, we don’t need any statistics, as blogs consume a lot of time and energy to create, and, more often than not, the content gets a brief visit from most readers.
However, if you work long and hard enough to create informative and engaging content for your blog, the average length of visits won’t matter much. You’ll have a loyal readership that will undoubtedly spend more than 37 seconds reading your posts.
Now, according to Medium, content that translates into a seven-minute read attracts the most attention from the internet audience. So, if you take an average adult who reads blogs regularly, they should read around 265 words in a minute. If we follow this logic, a seven-minute blog post should have about 1,850 words.
What’s interesting is that this content length matches Backlinko’s research from 2016 that analyzed over a million search results on Google and found that the first page results have 1,890 words on average.
23. Companies with 16+ monthly blog posts have more traffic than companies with fewer blog posts.
(Source: HubSpot)
In a 2015 study, HubSpot analyzed blog data from 13,500 HubSpot customers. The goal of this study was to see the eventual connection between blogging frequency and traffic. One of the crucial blog traffic stats this study provided was that companies that published 16 or more blog posts per month received more traffic than companies that only published up to 4 posts.
HubSpot broke the traffic data based on the company size, and the results were fascinating. Small companies (1 to 10 employees) with 11+ posts per month received twice the traffic compared to the same-size companies with only 2-5 posts every 30 days.
Further insights from this study proved that a blog is a powerful tool for companies. Namely, the companies with more than 200 employees that posted 11 or more blog posts in a month had 3.5 times more traffic than the companies with the same number of employees that either had no blog posts or only a single monthly post.
In the closing part of their study, HubSpot also pointed out that the frequency of publishing blog posts is related to lead generation. The conclusion was that companies with 16 or more monthly posts generate 4.5 times more leads than the companies with four monthly blog posts. Based on these findings, it’s easy to see why blogs are important for companies.
How Frequently do Bloggers Publish?
Frequency of Posting | Percentage |
Daily | 2% |
2-6 posts per week | 12% |
Weekly | 24% |
Several per month | 24% |
Monthly | 18% |
Less than monthly | 6% |
Irregular intervals | 14% |
Blogging Revenue Statistics
Most of you are probably wondering – do bloggers earn any money in 2022?
Well, the answer may surprise you.
24. About 8% of bloggers make enough money to support their families.
(Source: Finances Online)
One in three bloggers tries to monetize their blogs. However, shocking blogging statistics for 2022 show that less than 10% make enough to support their families. Only the top 0.6% generate more than one million dollars per year from their blogs.
25. Blogging statistics for 2022 reveal that over 80% of bloggers never make even $100 from their blogs.
(Source: UK Web Host Review, Digital Nomad Wannabe)
One of the common questions about blogging is whether bloggers can make a steady income from it. One blogging benefit is its financial aspect, but not everyone can earn money from blogs.
So, we read a survey from 2012 to find the answer to this question. The study was based on the responses of more than 1,000 bloggers. It showed that as many as 81% of bloggers never made even $100 from blogging, while only 8% make enough money to support their families.
While exploring the financial aspect of blogging, we stumbled upon one of the many WordPress stats that illustrate the growth of this platform. The survey from showed that WordPress now has 500,000 new posts and 400,000 new comments every day. That was in 2012.
WordPress, the biggest blog website, reports having 70 million new posts in 2022. That’s about 226,000 new posts daily, which is quite impressive. It also gets over 409 million views per month.
Now, let’s get back to our main topic and blog stats about the average income of bloggers. ProBlogger conducted a study similar to the one of According to the results of this survey, 10% of participants reported having no income from blogging at all. Furthermore, 28% of bloggers reported earnings of less than $0.30 per day, and 58% of all participants said they make less than $3.5 a day. Lastly, 4% of bloggers, those that had the most viewed blogs among those surveyed, were making $10,000 per month.
We wanted to compare these findings with some recent research about the income of bloggers. We found a 2022 analysis from Thrive My Way. According to blogging statistics for 2022, the average blogger makes between $0 to $1000 monthly.
Another survey done by Digital Nomad Wannabe revealed that 23.1% of bloggers make between $1 and $200 monthly. Only 12.8% earned between $1,000 to $2500.
So, can you make money from your blog? The answer is yes, but you have to devote a lot of time, energy, and creativity to it.
26. 36.8% of bloggers spent more than $100 when starting a blog.
(Source: Blog Tyrant)
Here’s an insight into the average amount of money bloggers spend when starting a blog.
A survey from Blog Tyrant showed that out of 350 bloggers, 36.8% spent more than $100 when they started their blog. Marginally fewer (33.4%) managed to start a blog with a $20 to $100 budget. The percentage of those hoping to get a positive blogging ROI with an investment of $20 or less stood at 12.9%, while the percentage of those who didn’t invest any money in a blog was slightly higher (16.9%).
27. The most profitable blog is the Huffington Post, with an annual income of $500 million.
(Source: Target Internet)
There are many benefits of blogging, such as working on a flexible schedule. But what about the money you can make from running a blog? The most profitable blog currently is the Huffington Post. It makes half a million dollars per year! The second place sits Engadget with $45.5 million, and Moz ranks third with $44.9 million.
Highest Earning Bloggers
Blogger | Revenue in million per year US dollars |
HuffPost | 500 |
Engadget | 47.5 |
Moz | 44.9 |
Perez Hilton | 41.3 |
Copyblogger | 33.1 |
Mashable | 30 |
TechCrunch | 22.5 |
Envato Tuts+ | 10 |
Smashing Magazine | 5.2 |
Gizmodo | 4.8 |
Business Blogging Statistics for 2023
As of 2020, we had automated email marketing tools, influencer marketing, lead generation software, and hundreds of other channels for marketing.
That said, is blogging still relevant for marketers in 2022?
Let’s see!
28. Over 90% of B2B marketers use content marketing.
(Source: Neil Patel)
In a 2018 survey of 1,100 North American marketers, researchers found that 93% utilized content marketing. They preferred the marketing mode compared to traditional advertising because it doesn’t force people to buy. Instead, it provides quality content and leaves the purchase decision to readers.
29. Marketers who blog are 13x more likely to achieve a positive ROI.
(Source: HubSpot)
Blogging is the third most popular marketing strategy for businesses. 56% of marketers who use blogging believe it to be a successful strategy where as 10% claim that the ROI is the highest.
30. Impact of monthly blog posts on Inbound traffic has increased by 3.5%.
When compared to businesses that blogged less frequently than once per week, those who wrote 4 or more posts per week had seen a traffic increase of 3.5%.
Blogging Platform Statistics
31. There are 549.5 million blogs hosted on Tumblr as of 2022, up from 518.7 million blogs in February 2021.
(Source: Businessnewsdaily)
Tumblr as a microblogging and social network site hosted many blogs accounting for 496. I million in April 2020
which is an increase from 480.1 million in October 2019. It is a platform where it has over 32 million bloggers from US alone.
32. Wix has over 2 million users worldwide.
(Source: Wix)
The platform is particularly popular with beginners. The drag-and-drop web design features make it easy for
beginner bloggers to create professional-looking websites.
33. Medium has over 60 million, monthly readers.
(Source: Business Insider)
According to end-of-year data published by Medium, there are now 60 million unique monthly visitors or readers. Compared to the 25 million the corporation said it had last year which represents a rise.
Guest Blogging Statistics
34. 60% of bloggers publish 1–5 guest posts each month.
(Source: Referralrock)
2 out of the 70 respondents publish more than 25 guest posts per month. That indicates that 3% of respondents publish 100 or more guest pieces each month.
Guest Posts Written Per Month
Number of Posts | Frequency by Month |
1-5 | 60% |
6-10 | 27% |
11-25 | 10% |
25+ | 3% |
These have been the most interesting blogging statistics. Now that you have the information about the competition, the cost of running a blog, and the readers, we hope you’ll be able to craft an even more successful blog.
And if you don’t have a blog, you can start one.
Running a blog is an exciting and very rewarding activity, even without the potential monetary incentive. Researching topics, creating valuable content, and building a vibrant online community can enrich your life in more ways than you imagine!
Are blogs still popular in 2022?
Yes, blogging in 2022 is still popular and is serving even more purpose than ever before. In fact, 68% of marketers now see blogging as a useful marketing tool.
What percentage of blogs are successful?
Measuring the success rate of blogs is quite ambiguous as every blog has specific goals. It could be to educate, drive traffic to a shopping cart, promote a specific brand, etc. However, what we can say for sure is that 30% of bloggers are getting strong results, irrespective of their blog aim.
Who is the highest paid blogger in the world?
Perez Hilton is the highest paid blogger in the world, with a salary of $3.4 million monthly.
Why do blogs fail?
Most blogs fail due to the following reasons:
Inability to create engaging and relevant content.
Lack of consistency in publishing blog posts.
Inability to drive traffic.
Poor keyword strategy.Does anyone still read blogs?
Yes, people still read blogs. In fact, 77% of internet users are active blog readers.
Is creating a blog still worth it in 2022?
If you run an online business, then having a blog is a must. Blogging is a brilliant way to drive organic traffic to your business. Plus, blogging stats for 2022 reveal that it is 3x more effective than traditional marketing (in terms of lead generation) and costs 62% less.
What type of blogs makes the most money?
All blogs can earn money. It all depends on the type of content. However, some topics are favored by bloggers and have proven over time to be profitable. They include:
Fitness and sports
DIYHow often should I post on my blog?
Bloggers who post daily stand a higher chance of success than those who don’t. However, there are other factors contributing to the success of a blog aside from daily posts. The relevance of your posts is a crucial factor, as well as promotion and keywords.
Muninder Adavelli is a core team member and Digital Growth Strategist at Techjury. With a strong background in marketing and a deep understanding of technology's role in digital marketing, he brings immense value to the TechJury team.