How to Change the Twitch Chat Color in a Few Simple Steps

Reading time: 3 min read
Darko Jacimovic
Written by
Darko Jacimovic

Updated · Jul 27, 2023

Darko Jacimovic
SEO Specialist | Joined April 2023 | LinkedIn
Darko Jacimovic

Darko founded, a comprehensive career guidance platform for beginners in various po... | See full bio

Edited by
Dushko Talevski


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If you are wondering how to change the Twitch chat color, then you are on the right page, as we’ll tell you all about introducing a bit of whimsy on this very popular platform.

Below, you’ll learn how to change the chat color via the official site and see whether or not you can do it through the mobile app.

Let’s get to it.

How to Change the Chat Color in Twitch via a Browser

Before we go through the process, know that the color of your writing won’t be affected by this change as it only modifies your username color in the chatbox.

That said, you can pick and choose from 15 color options even if you are an unpaid user, including basic options such as red, blue, and green and some exotic color flavors like Firebrick, ‘Coral’, and ‘Goldenrod’.

By following these steps, you’ll be done within seconds, and best of all, you can try out as many different colors as much as you like:

  1. Open Twitch and log into your account;
    Twitch Loginsource:
  1. Access any live channel and open its Stream Chat;
    Open its stream chatsource:
  1. Click on the ‘Chat Identity’ star icon at the bottom of the chatbox;
    Chat Identity On Streamsource:
  1. Scroll down to the ‘Global Name Color’ section of the menu;
    Global Name Colorsource:
  1. Click on a color, and it’ll update automatically within minutes.

Once you are done, your color update will be applied globally for every live channel you visit, so you don’t have to worry about setting it for every chatbox you type into.

Note: Since its discontinuation on April 30th, 2022, Twitch fans can no longer follow all the gaming action through the platform’s standalone desktop app.

How to Change the Chat Color in Twitch Using Commands

Another convenient method to update the color of your Twitch chat username is to use the ‘/color’ command followed by the specific shade you want to change it to:
Color Commands

The only downside to this approach is you must know the exact names of the available colors since Twitch offers some very specific options:

  • /color Red
  • /color Blue
  • /color Green
  • /color Firebrick
  • /color Coral
  • /color YellowGreen
  • /color OrangeRed
  • /color SeaGreen
  • /color Goldenrod
  • /color Chocolate
  • /color CadetBlue
  • /color DodgerBlue
  • /color HotPink
  • /color BlueViolet
  • /color SpringGreen

After pressing ‘Enter’, you’ll see the message “Your color has been changed” in the chat. However, if you input the wrong parameters, Twitch will send you a message containing the correct color names that you can use instead.
message containing the correct color names

Changing the Twitch Chat Color as a Prime or Turbo User

If you are a Twitch Turbo or Prime Gaming subscriber, you can also pick any color you want:

  1. Access the ‘Global Name Color’ section and click on ‘More colors’;

More colors

  1. Choose any color you like with the advanced hex color picker.
    Advanced Hex Color Pickersource:

Once you press ‘Confirm Color’, your choice will be reflected across every channel you follow. Amazingly, you can pick from close to 17 million colors. Also, before committing to a color, you can see how it looks with both the light and the dark mode.

Changing the Twitch Chat Color on Mobile

Twitch makes it possible even for mobile users to update their chat color preferences. If you prefer following your favorite channels via a handheld device, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Twitch app and access any channel you want;
  2. Type the same ‘color <color>’ command as above;
  3. Press enter and wait for the change to come into effect.

Changing Twitch Username Color on the Chatbox
Twitch mobile app

Note: If you subscribe to Twitch via the Turbo or the Prime plan, you may also be able to enter the hex number of your desired color.

Once you choose your color preferences, you should set up your streaming space and start sharing all the gaming fun you are having with the rest of the world. And, if you are struggling to get more viewers, just follow our 13 proven methods of attracting more Twitch fans.

Bottom Line

If you want to stand out in the fast-changing chatbox on Twitch, you need a color change for your username. Thankfully, you can do that easily and express your gaming style with 15 different options if you are a basic user or over 16 million colors if you are a paid subscriber.


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